Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set-Political Science England Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set-(USA) Political Science Fascism Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  A Socialist state stands for:

1.Leaving the individual completely free

2.Assigning only police functions to state

3.Provision of maximum opportunities of progress to all members of the community

4.Raising the living standard of the poor and down-trodden

  A welfare state believes in:

1.Principle of equal taxation

2.Taxing only the industrialists

3.Graded taxation

4.No taxation

  A welfare state:

1.Does not impose any restriction on individual liberty

2.Restricts individual liberty

3.Has nothing to do with liberty

4.Allows only economic liberty

  According to socialists which one of the following is not a function of the state?

1.To maintain law and order

2.To own means of production

3. To regulate working hours of workers

4.To promote religion

  According to welfare theory of the state which one of the following is not a function of the state?

1.To own the means of production

2.To open employment exchanges

3.To end social evils

4.To maintain internal order

  In the economic sphere the Socialists are in favour of:

1.Free competition

2.Regulation of means of production and distribution

3.Non-interference in the economic activities

4. Multi-nationals

  The ethical justification for individualism was offered by:


2. Adam Smith

3.Herbert Spencer


  The liberal thinker of the nineteenth century considered the state as:

1.A welfare agency

2.A necessary evil

3.Preserver of Liberty

4.Instrument of exploitation

  The view that State comes into existence for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good life was expressed by:





  Which of the following is correct about liberal theory about state?

1.It is an unnecessary evil

2.It is ethical idea

3.It is march of God on earth

4.It is necessary evil

  Which one of the following are not correct views about socialist state?

1.It aims at abolotion of private property

2.It aims at promoting freedom of individual

3.It aims at the abolotion of state

4.It aims at establishment of dictatorship of the proletariat

  Which one of the functions listed below falls in the category of compulsory functions?

1. Regulation of trade and industry

2.Protection of health and provision of medical relief

3.Maintenance of civil and criminal courts

4.Maintenance of works of public utility

 A state which has no religion of its own but protects all religions is called:



3.Anarchist theory


 A Welfare state aims at:

1. Providing minimum living standard to all the citizens

2.Improving the lot of the weaker sections

3.Controlling all the means of production and distribution

4.The welfare of the ruling class

 In the economic spere the individualists are in favour of:

1.Ending all free competition

2.Encourging free competition

3.State control over production and distribution

4.Dictatorship of the proletariat

 Individualist philosophy which is one of the theories of liberalism advocated:

1.Maximum state control over the individual

2.Least state interference in the affairs of the individual

3.Concentration of all powers in the hands of a single ruler

4.Guarantee of individual liberty through law

 Keeping in view the functions performed by the modern state it has been described as:

1.A police state

2.A totalitarian state

3.A totalitarian state

4.A capitalist state

 The best exposition of liberal concept of the nature and functions of the state is found in the writings of:

1.Karl Marx

2.John Locke



 The chief exponent of the Utilitarian philosophy was:





 The modern state has been described as:

1. A welfare state

2.An exploitative state

3.A moral institution

4.A police state

 The monistic theory regarding the functions of the state is based on the principle that:

1.The individual and the state exist for each other

2.The individual exists for sake of the state

3.The state exists for the sake of the individual

4.The individual and the state are opposed to each other

 The nineteenth century liberal thinkers held that:

1.Each law promotes individual liberty

2.Each law restricts individual liberty

3.There is no relationship between law and liberty

4.Law is the first condition of liberty

 Those who believe that many functions of the state should be performed by guilds are called:


2.Welfare liberals


4.Guild socialists

 Which of the following is correct about socialism?

1.State is a necessary evil

2.State is march of God on earth

3.State is unnecessary evil

4.State promotes common good

 Which of the following is not not true about Indiviudalists views about functions of the state?

1.It should promote morality

2.It should protect private property

3.It should ensure justice

4.It should maintain law and order

 Who of the following is considered an exponent of modern individualism?

1.Graham Wallas




A welfare state performs:

1.Only walfare functions

2.Only protective functions

3.Both protective and welfare functions

4. Either protective or welfare function

According to individualists:

1. The state is the March of God on this earth

2.State is a positive good

3.State is a moral institution

4.State is a necessary evil

One of the protective functions performed by the welfare state is:

1.Provision of education

2.Regulation of working conditions

3.Protection of health

4.Protection of family and property

One of the serious hurdles in the way of implementing the ideals of welfare state is:

1.Reluctance of government servants to assume more responsibility

2.Indifferent attitude of the politicians

3. Lack of interest by the common people

4. Reluctance of people to pay high taxes

The compulsory functions of state imply the functions:

1.Which are performed by most of the states

2.Which are performed by all states

3.Which every state must perform to justify its existence

4.Concerning the protection of life and property

The economic justification individualism was offered by:


2. Adam Smith

3.Herbert Smith


The idealist theory is also known as:

1.Socialist Theory

2.Welfare Theory

3.Anarchist Theory

4.Metaphysical Theory

The individualists held that:

1. The state was the best judge of mans interest functions of state

2.The individual was the best judge of his own interest

3.The king was the best judge of peoples interests

4.The Parliament was the best judge of individuals Interests

The individuals were in favour of leaving the individual completely free because:

1.He is quarrelsome

2. He is unsocial

3.He is a rational being

4.He knows his interest best

The modern individualists are in favour of:

1.Maintaining status quo with regard to functions of state

2. Granting larger powers to state

3.Granting only co-ordinate powers to the state

4.Abolishing the state

The political justification for individualism was offered by:



3.Herbert Spencer

4.Adam Smith

The principle of greatest good of the greatest number was advocated by:

1.The Individualists

2. The socialists



The scientific jurisdiction for individualism was offered by:

1.Herbert Spencer




The Socialists consider the state as:

1.A necessary evil

2.An instrument of exploitation

3.A divine institution

4.A positive good

The term socialism was first used by:



3.Robert Owen


The view that the state is an end in itself was expressed by:

1.Early Greek thinkers




The view that the state is the March of God on earth is associated with:

1.The Divine Origin Theory

2. The idealists

3. The idealists

4.The Anarchists

Those who favour the abolition of state altogether are called:


2.Guild Socialists



Which of the following functions whould not be performed by a modern welfare state?

1. Interference in the religion of the people

2. Restrictions on economic activities

3.Protection of an particular class of citizens

4.Putting of restrictions on the sale of intoxicating drugs

Which of the following is considered to be optional function of the state?

1.Imposition of taxes

2.Administration of justice

3. Opening of employment exchanges

4.Fixing legal relations between individuals

Which of the following is true about nature of liberalism i.e. it is near to?

1.It is individualism

2.It is democracy

3. It is socialism

4.It is individualism plus democracy

Which of the following preaches the establishment of a stateless society?

1.The Idealists

2.The Fascists

3.The Individualists

4.The Socialists

Which one of the following are true views of socialism regarding state?

1. It is means to an end

2.It is an end in itself

3. It is both means and an end

4.It is neither means nor end

Which one of the following functions of state has been wrongly listed as its compulsory function?

1.Maintenance of law and order

2.Protection of country against outside aggression

3.Maintenance of law courts and settlement of disputes among individuals

4.Promotion of education

Which one of the following is also known as Laissez Faire theory:


2.The socialists



Which one of the following is correct about socialist state?

1.There should be social control both over means of production and distribution

2.There should be social control over means of production only

3. There should be social control over means of distribution only

4.There should be no social control over either means of production or distribution

Which one of the following is correct about socialist views about functions of the state?

1.It should hinder hindrances

2. Individual is the best judge of his interests

3. It is enemy of the interests of the individuals

4.Rights of the individual are social

Which one of the following is correct about the functions of a welfare state?

1. It should help in the abolition of private property

2.It should help in the aboliition of state

3. It should aim at abolition of educational institutions

4. It should aim at promoting material welfare of the individual

Which one of the following is true about a welfare state?

1.It believes in imposition of uniform taxes

2.It believes in no taxation

3. It allows economic liberty only

4.It believes in graded taxation

Which one of the following is true about socialist views about liberty?

1. It means doing what one wants to do

2.It means obeying the orders of the state

3.It means obeying the commands of the Pope

4.It means development of all the powers latent in a man

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.The modern state performs only compulsory functions

2.The modern state performs very extensive optional functions

3.The modern state performs very limited optional functions

4.The modern state performs only optional functions

Which one of the following thinkers is associated with the idealist theory of state?





Who of the following said that the state is to hinder hindrances to good life?





Who said that Socialism is like a hat that has lost its shape because everybody wears it:

1.G.D.H. Cole

2. C.E.M.Joad




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